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Corporate Partnerships
© WWF Hong Kong
Joining forces with business for a thriving,
sustainable future

The world around us faces immense environmental challenges that are complex, interconnected and immediate. To overcome them will require concerted, collective efforts.
At WWF, we believe in the power of collaboration. We also recognise that businesses can play a vital role in creating a sustainable future for our society and our planet. We are passionate about partnering with leading businesses that hold the keys to mitigating the most pressing threats to Hong Kong’s biodiversity.
Corporates that prioritise sustainability contribute to a more sustainable world while simultaneously enjoying commercial success. They give back to nature and those in need, achieving a “win-win-win” situation where business thrives, communities prosper and the natural world flourishes.
This is why WWF-Hong Kong seeks to engage with companies that commit to environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. By aligning our efforts, we can create a sustainable future that benefits both people and the planet.
Together, we can harness the immense potential of the business world to tackle conservation challenges and make a positive difference to the future of our planet. Let’s work together to find innovative solutions and take bold steps towards preserving Hong Kong’s precious natural environment.

Corporate Partnerships Reports (Archive)

Canon Hongkong Company Limited (Canon Hong Kong) has been a long-standing supporter of WWF-Hong Kong, and we greatly appreciate their unwavering dedication to preserving the environment. Our company shares the same values as WWF, and we are committed to upholding Canon’s corporate philosophy of 'Kyosei', which emphasizes the importance of harmonious coexistence and mutual prosperity among individuals, communities, and the environment.
As part of our ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability, we persistently advocate for eco-friendly lifestyles in our daily operations and involve our staff in various conservation endeavors. We have facilitated multiple excursions to Mai Po Nature Reserve and Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park to let our staff the opportunity to learn more about the diverse ecosystem and the pulsating marine life along its coastline. Such experiences have reinforced our understanding of the essential need to sustain a harmonious rapport with nature.
At Canon Hong Kong, we recognize the significance of environmental conservation, and we pledge to continue our collaboration with WWF-Hong Kong to promote sustainable development and protect our communities from climate change-induced disasters.

Ms Candy Mau
Assistant Director, Corporate Communications Division
Canon Hongkong Company Limited

Crystal International is delighted to be a Corporate Member for over 10 years. Our factories have joined the Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP), enabling us to enhance our carbon management, be competitive to champion emerging sustainability needs from customers, and collaborate with other forward-thinking companies. By partnering with WWF and supporting their programmes, we can build relationship with different like-minded industry peers and fulfil our environmental responsibility, aiming to positively influence the industry and advance environmental conservation for our planet. To step up, I established Crystal Climate Charity Foundation in 2022 to promote environmental education and alleviate poverty owing to climate change. We will stay committed to ensuring a sustainable future for present and future generations, aligning with the vision of WWF.

Mr Kenneth Lo
Crystal International Group Limited

Preserving the environment and nature is not a choice, but an urgent responsibility we must undertake to secure a sustainable and prosperous future for our planet and future generations.

Mr Hans Michael Jebsen
Jebsen Group

Whether as individuals, corporations, NGOs or governments, We must all do much more to protect what’s left of planet earth’s nature. Only if we all proactively engage in a more effective and an increasingly powerful conservation drive, biodiversity and quality of life for all will stand a long-term chance!

Mr Markus Jebsen (1962 – 2021)
MF Jebsen Group

Modern Terminals is committed to sustainability, and we are proud to have partnered with WWF for over 20 years.  We believe that every company has a role to play in environmental conservation. We need concerted efforts by all stakeholders to make the world a greener and better one.

Mr Horace Lo
Group Managing Director
Modern Terminals Limited

Sustainability is now more critical than ever as a business imperative. As an environmentally friendly public transport operator, MTR is committed to managing its environmental footprint and striving to achieve carbon neutrality. We will continue to exercise our influence and work with different partners and stakeholders, including WWF, to fight against climate change and nurture biodiversity, protecting our important natural habitats.

Ms Gill Meller
Legal & Governance Director
MTR Corporation

Never underestimate your contribution, it is the source of strength.
Never underestimate every decision or action you made, infinite possibilities for the future has been created.
Our continuous effort and support advocate the environmental sustainability.

Management Team
Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Limited

Over the past 20 years, Swire Properties and WWF Hong Kong have worked together closely on a shared vision – to fight climate change and build a sustainable future. We continue to do our part as the first real estate developer in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland to have its 1.5°C-aligned science-based targets approved. Moving forward, we’re excited to be part of the efforts to help the city achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Mr Tim Blackburn
Chief Executive
Swire Properties Limited

Protecting our environment is a long-term commitment that would not be possible without whole-hearted support from each and every one of us. Together, let’s join forces and build a more sustainable Hong Kong for ourselves and the future generations!

Mr Stephen Ng
Chairman and Managing Director
The Wharf Group