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Conservation Projects
© Anthony Sun

The challenges facing the global environment today are overwhelming, and far too large and complex for any one organisation to solve on its own. WWF-Hong Kong’s partnerships with businesses are vital to our mission – they allow companies to be part of the conversation on developing sustainability strategies, influencing government policies and leading innovative conservation initiatives in Hong Kong and beyond.

WWF-Hong Kong works with the corporate sector to reduce the most pressing threats to Hong Kong’s biodiversity and find solutions to conservation challenges, such as wetland and species protection, habitat management, ocean conservation, marine litter, and climate mitigation. By joining forces with us, businesses can ensure that their sustainability initiatives will leave a tangible, lasting impact on the environment and that they will reap the benefits of responsible and sustainable business practices. By providing financial support, engaging employees, leveraging technology, promoting supply chain sustainability, and advocating for policy change, corporates can become sustainability leaders – raising their profile in their industry and improving their competitive advantage. Join forces with WWF-Hong Kong and become a catalyst for change by helping protect and preserve our planet's precious ecosystems.

Here are a just a few examples of ways in which corporates have collaborated with WWF-Hong Kong, helping our planet through actions, contributions and support for our work.

SINO GROUP – Discover Shui Hau: A Cross-sector Collaboration Promoting Sustainable Conservation Awareness through
Arts, Technology and Education

The ‘Discover Shui Hau’ initiative is a collaborative project between WWF-Hong Kong, Sino Group and Clearbot. 

It aims to raise public awareness and promote understanding of Shui Hau’s high ecological value and rich biodiversity. Through active engagement with Shui Hau residents and students, the project seeks to foster public appreciation for the ecological beauty of nature, while innovative technologies are utilised to clean up the marine debris, contributing to the protection of this precious habitat, which is home to more than 600 species. 

During the course of this project, we target to raise public awareness for the importance of biodiversity of Shui Hau and encourage more ocean-friendly behaviour towards the natural environment. Local students are invited to become ambassadors with the aim of cultivating a conservation mindset grounded in sustainable development. We also work with villagers to co-create murals that showcase Shui Hau’s culture and unique ecological environment. 


Combining the resources, knowledge and insight of three global organisations: WWF, HSBC and WRI, the Climate Solutions Partnership is developing the solutions the world needs today by supporting a global network of projects that work for people, nature and climate, delivering transformational change and accelerating the transition to Net Zero.

With the support of HSBC, WWF-Hong Kong launched two key wetland projects: “Natural Climate Solutions – Powering Our Wetlands” and “Engaging Partners to Build a Climate-Resilient Greater Bay Area”. Both aim to bring emerging climate solutions to commercial viability and scale by identifying and testing nature-based solutions that work in tandem with ecosystem services provided by the wetlands in Mai Po and the Greater Bay Area.

These projects will use Hong Kong’s largest remaining mangrove cluster at Mai Po to assess how wetlands contribute to climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration and build climate resilience along coastal areas; and develop an eco-friendly fishpond management model to preserve wetlands and reinvigorate local communities.

“Powering Our Wetlands” appeared in a BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions segment, part of “Age of Change: The Business of Survival” series.


With the support of a donation by Pictet, WWF-Hong Kong collaborated with a coral expert at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) to transplant coral fragments to a priority conservation site. 50 coral fragments were outplanted in Bush Reef, Tolo Channel after being fragmented into smaller pieces. Each fragment was attached to a custom-made cement base.

After six months of recovery and growth in a coral nursery at CUHK’s Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory, the healthy coral fragments were successfully outplanted. Monitoring has shown 100% survivorship and positive growth after six months.


Qeelin has collaborated with WWF to improve panda habitats in Qinling by restoring bamboo forests, establishing better management frameworks and engaging local communities. The Qeelin Panda Conservation Initiative aims to restore crucial habitats and create panda corridors between nature reserves.

The three-year project includes field studies, bamboo replantation, habitat management, staff training, and the development of panda-friendly agroforestry products. Qeelin's vision to share the beauty of Chinese culture is embodied in the playful Qeelin Bo Bo collection contributes to panda habitat preservation.


Zim Integrated Shipping Services Limited made a generous donation to WWF-Hong Kong to enhance habitat and infrastructure management work at Mai Po Nature Reserve. The donation supported two key projects: “Safeguarding Coastal Wetlands” and “Freshwater and Wetland Management.”

In the first project, a solar-powered, high-definition pan-tilt-zoom camera was installed at floating bird hide #4 to aid in a range of management functions. The camera captures constant real-time footage, providing data for research, habitat monitoring, surveillance, and public engagement projects. It also deters illegal entry to the mudflat. The second project involved the construction of embedded PVC pipe systems in Pond #24, facilitating easier and more effective water level management. These improvements benefit wetland species and migratory waterbirds by creating optimal conditions.

These infrastructure and equipment improvements will bring lasting positive impacts, providing a favourable environment for wetland wildlife and educating researchers and visitors.
