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Flow With NATURE
© WWF-Hong Kong

Building a Thriving Flow Community

How well is your emotional well-being? How can we boost our well-being, and even help others to improve theirs?

Studies have proven that our well-being is positively associated with our level of nature connectedness, i.e. how strongly we think and feel we are connected to nature. Hong Kong offers splendid natural scenery, however, both the level of nature connectedness and well-being index of Hong Kong people scored the lowest among 18 studied regions around the world in recent research.

WWF-Hong Kong launched the education project "Flow with Nature: Building a Thriving Flow Community" in 2024 with generous support from The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Hong Kong after completing the previous Flow with Nature: Youth Action Project from 2021 to 2023. The new project aims to improve participants' mental well-being through reconnection with nature, empower them to facilitate others to connect with nature, and ultimately influence a wider community to make positive changes to nature and people.

Join FLOW WITH NATURE and become a ...
© WWF-Hong Kong
Flow Influencer

(Recruitment Completed)

Target: Youth aged 18 to 35

  • To enhance individual nature connectedness and well-being through a 6-month experiential learning journey
  • To boost creativity and influencing power through co-creation workshops
  • To create and implement activities for enhancing nature connectedness and well-being of the community
Programme period: July 2024 to January 2025
Application deadline: 17 June 2024

© WWF-Hong Kong
Flow Facilitator

(Now Recruiting)

Target: Educators, practitioners of social work and counselling, parents

  • Through a one-day workshop and a sleepover programme, explore how resources and activities in nature could facilitate value education for youth
  • To enhance nature connectedness and wellbeing and release pressure
  • To offer knowledge & skill training and experience sharing on engaging youth in nature activities
  • To discuss how to enhance nature connectedness and well-being of youth among participants


Details and Application
© WWF-Hong Kong
Flow Explorer

(Coming Soon)

Target: Local primary and secondary schools and youth groups

  • Through a one-day experiential workshop in nature, enhance youth participants' nature connectedness and wellbeing
  • To learn how to wisely use nature as a resource to improve physical and mental well-being in daily life.
More details and application will be available soon.